This is no fluff, straight to the point, action based information that can change your life.
To be happy and start living fearless, you only need to know this: You’re not here to win, you’re here to learn.
The more you accept this, the less fear, stress, and anxiety you’ll have in your life and the happier you will be.
All fear is imagined; thus the side effects of stress and anxiety are self-inflicted.
The secret to living a fearless life is truth. Truth about yourself and the purpose you have in this world.
How to Be Happy
If you put in the dedication of knowing yourself completely and un-dividing your mind, you’ll discover it’s the same with stress and anxiety; it’s all imagined or created in your mind. Yet, even though many accept this logic (of our mind being our biggest problem), then why is everyone still running around full of fear, stress, anxiety, and ultimately unhappiness?
One reason is we’re chasing an illusion; the illusion of success and winning defined by society, parents, friends, etc. I too lived the illusion for many years.
Since my early twenties I had this image in my mind of what success looked like. It consisted of a loft apartment overlooking the city and driving a Porsche. My idea of success had nothing to do with personal character or the individual I would become; it was based on status and materialism. I would set all these goals for myself, reach them, and then trudge on to the next one. I was never satisfied and still full of fear, anxiety, and stress.
Are you stuck? Maybe you’re like I used to be. Trudging through life, not really sure what is wrong while disliking and fearing two things; the way things are and change.
I was lucky. I become desperate enough to seek a better way. Not the easier way—at first—but I’ve certainly discovered how to be happy. So can you.
Are you ready to start loving yourself?
Click Here for my FREE eBook, “How to Be Happy Now: Finding Happiness in Everyday Living”